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Privacy Policy

Your Privacy Matters

This privacy policy contains information about how and why Laura Butler Psychological Therapy (LBPT) collect personal information, how it is used, the circumstances in which we may disclose it to others and how we keep your information secure.  Some of this information is specific to Wix and Write Upp how they operate, although this policy also covers other social media we utilise as well as information we collect from clients and potential clients. Wix is the platform for this website and Write Upp is the computer system that we use to store client contact details and notes from sessions. 


This policy may be reviewed and updated from time to time.  We will advise if any amendments are made to this policy.  Should you have any queries regarding this policy please contact us by email at


Who We Are

We are experienced Associate Therapists and this is the LBPT website at We reside and practice in the United Kingdom and as such this policy and the work we carry out is subject to the laws of England and Wales as well as the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) under European Union law.


Information Collected and How it is Used

Personal information including but not limited to your name, contact details and notes of the work we do together is collected for the purpose of communication and the therapy work we do together.  If you do not wish to provide certain information then this may impact upon our ability to work together.  We only request details that are necessary to provide you with a proper and safe service.  


Email addresses and phone numbers may be stored on your Therapists' mobile phone and/or personal computer from the point of initial contact until we cease working together. We endeavour at all times to keep information secure.  Upon cessation of our work together, any digital communication and information will be deleted.  


Paper records of our work together are kept in a locked file until they are uploaded onto our computer system ‘WriteUpp’ that we use to store client information, notes and any written work completed in sessions, and are then immediately shredded. Paper records are kept for a maximum of 3 years after which they will be destroyed.


Sharing Information

We do not share your information with third parties except for certain circumstances, namely where you express intentions to harm yourself or others, there is risk of harm to a child in your care, you disclose involvement in criminal activities such as but not limited to money laundering, drug trafficking, and terrorism, and/or we are required to by court order.  In such circumstances your Therapist will notify you of our intention to share your information with other parties unless it is not possible or safe to do so.  We also do not receive any information about clients or potential clients from third parties.


In accordance with professional practice and the ethical codes we follow, we undertake regular Supervision as required with a Clinical Supervisor to ensure we maintain high standards of professional practice.  This means we will need to discuss work we undertake with clients with our Clinical Supervisor from time to time, however all cases are kept anonymous and no identifying or personal information is provided.  Clinical Supervisors are accredited members of their relevant professional bodies and follows the same professional and ethical protocols that our Therapists do.


What rights you have over your data

Under the terms of GDPR you have the following rights:- 


  1. the right to access 

  2. the right to rectification 

  3. the right to be forgotten

  4. the right to restrict processing

  5. the right to object to processing

  6. the right to data portability

  7. the right to complain to a supervisory authority

  8. the right to withdraw consent


These rights are subject to limitations and exceptions. You can learn more about your rights under GDPR by visiting


If you wish to exercise any of your rights in respect of your personal data/information under the GDPR please contact us directly by email in the first instance to advise.




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