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Continued Professional Development
(CPD) for Therapists

Working with baby loss

Date: Next 'live' date tbc -Recording of previous 'live' event available 

Time: 2 hours

Location: Online - Recording of previous 'live' training is available 

Presenter: Laura Butler

To book:


This course will cover: 


  • Why CPD in working with baby loss is important if working with clients who have experienced this 

  • The latest baby loss research

  • An insight into clients’ experience of baby loss

  • Use of language and terminology 

  • Formulating and treatment

  • Resources for therapists and clients

  • Protecting yourself as a therapist when working with baby loss 


NB: For this course, the term baby loss includes miscarriage, still birth, and termination for medical reasons (TFMR). 


CPD certificate, workshop slides and any resources will be emailed to all participants.

CBT for working with infertility 

Date: Next 'live' date tbc - Recording of previous 'live' event available to purchase using the link below

Time: 3 hours CPD

Presenter: Laura Butler

To book:


Workshop slides, a CPD certificate and resources will be emailed to everyone who purchases the recording. 


Infertility is a disease characterised by the inability to reach a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular and unprotected sexual intercourse. It is estimated to affect between 8 and 12% of reproductive-aged couples worldwide, with approximately 25% of couples finding no identified cause (Vander Borght & Wyns, 2018).


Infertility has a profound impact on an individual's mental health, and on all aspects of their life. The psychological impact of infertility presents unique challenges and a broad range of clinical presentations for CBT Therapists. This workshop will help participants to understand the psychological factors associated with infertility and how this can be considered within a cognitive behavioural framework. A combination of teaching, case examples, and interactive exercise will be used.


Learning outcomes:

  • To understand what is meant by ‘infertility’ and how it can affect clients

  • To be able to effectively assess and conceptualise psychological difficulties in the context of infertility using a CBT framework

  • To apply existing knowledge of CBT principles to plan formulation driven interventions, taking into consideration factors that are likely to be particular to infertility

  • To understand your own ‘reproductive story’ and the impact of this

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